No upfront fees
Qualify within minutes
Receive refund in as little as 15-20 days
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Self-Employed Tax Credits
Did you experience income fluctuation due to COVID-19?
You may be eligible for up to $32,200 in tax credits for tax years 2020/2021.
Minimum Eligibility Criteria
1) Self-Employed Status:
Approximately 30M+ in the U.S. are self-employed:
Examples of people that file a Schedule C
Sole Proprietors -1099 Contractors - Freelancers - Single-Member LLCs -
Gig Workers - Other Self-Employed Workers
2) COVID Impacts:
For individuals directly or indirectly impacted by COVID-19:
Related Symptoms - Quarantined - Caregiving - Government Orders
- School & Daycare Disruption - Supply Chain Issues -Business Closures Etc.
* Eligibility Terms Apply
SETC is for . .
Barbers/ Hairdressers
Delivery / Rideshare drivers
Side hustlers
Personal Coaches
Freelance Writers
Web Developers
Graphic Designers
Food Delivery Workers
Virtual Assistants
Childcare Pros
Singer/Song Writers,
Event Planners
Plus many more
​Sub S-Corps, True S-Corps, and C-Corps are Ineligible
Click "Start Your Free Claim Calculator" to discover what you're owed.
How To Claim
2020 & 2021
Claims Still Available*
Next steps/What Now?
Click on "Start Your Free Claim Calculator"
This will take you to the Gig Worker Solutions site
Register for a Gig Worker Free Account
Complete a simple questionnaire to calculate Your Credit
Upload your previously submitted IRS Returns -
Uploaded via a secure Portal
(2020 /2021 returns)
Cost for initial analysis and refund estimate - $0.00
If you decide to proceed . . . .
Payment due on signing of agreement to file - $0.00
Why Choose
Gig Worker Solutions?
Get Your Funds in As Little as 20 Days
The typical wait time for government refunds can exceed 5 months—and we feel that you should not have to wait for YOUR money.
So, we built strategic partnerships to revamp the process so you can access the money you're owed in as little as 20 days.
What’s the catch?
Nothing! As long as you do not currently owe the IRS money, you are eligible for the advance option.
Talk about $510M+ of SETC Credit Expertise
Gig Worker Solutions are not only one of the FIRST to have discovered the Self-Employment Tax Credit (SETC), but we are responsible for refunding over 80% of the total SETC refunds by the government to date.
To us, this makes Gig Worker Solutions the #1 expert.
Join the thousands of self-employed individuals who have received their share of $510+ million in refunds.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to claim what you've earned.
Cost & Payout options
(Full Terms and conditions are given at the start of your application)
Option 1
Apply for Tax Credit Advance
Funds Typically received within 15-20 days
100% of Credit advanced -minus 20% fee
(min charge applies)
Zero upfront fees
No monthly payments
Credit Score does not impact eligibility
Option 2
The IRS Processes your Credit
Funds typically received in 18 - 22 WEEKS
20% Fee Applied To Credit Received
(min charge applies)
Subject to IRS Processing Delays